All about phytosanitary legislation

Posted by Marcel van Leeuwen on March 27, 2023 · 2 mins read

When exporting vegetables, fruit or other plant products to a country outside the European Union, in many cases additional checks are involved. In order to exclude health risks, a phytosanitary asked for a phytosanitary certificate. But what exactly does this entail? And how do I apply for it?

What are phytosanitary products?

Phytosanitary literally means ‘plant health’. Phytosanitary products include plant products such as flowers, plants and seeds, as well as vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

What is a phytosanitary certificate?

A phytosanitary certificate is an export certificate for plant products. It is a document that proves that the shipment meets the health requirements of the destination country. The inspection body of the exporting country certifies to the government in the country of destination that the products are healthy and meet the specified requirements.

When do you need a phytosanitary certificate?

Within the EU, phytosanitary products may be transported freely, for products from outside the EU a phytosanitary certificate for plant health is required. Also for exports to the United Kingdom, additional health requirements for plant products apply since the Brexit. For the most up-to-date legislation look here.

How can I apply for a phytosanitary certificate?

The application for a phytosanitary certificate goes through the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). The exporter enters all data via the digital declaration system e-CertNL, with which the product is submitted to the inspection authority for approval. In some cases, this is followed by an inspection.

How much does a phytosanitary certificate cost?

The costs for applying for phytosanitary certificates depend greatly on the size of the export. You can find the most up-to-date fees on the NVWA website.

Need help?

Do you have questions about phytosanitary legislation? Or need help applying for a certificate? Then Rotterdam Customs Services B.V. is ready to help you. Our experts have all the necessary knowledge and are always up to date with the latest changes in legislation.

Marcel van Leeuwen

Marcel van Leeuwen was there from day 1 – he experienced all the challenges that Brexit brought and took all the colleagues by the hand in the joint efforts that were made. Marcel also has a long number of Years of experience especially in the Fresh Produce sector as declarant. First at Amsterdam Airport, later with a Transport Organisation and the last 4 Years with LBP Rotterdam BV as senior declarant. At RCS Marcel is the Operations Manager managing the day-to-day business.

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